Seasons of the Witch – Beltane Oracle : 44 gilded-edge cards and 144 page book

Unlock your potential for growth, creativity, and abundance with the energy of Beltane! Also known as May Day, Beltane honors life and is a celebration of passion and putting your plans into action. The Earth's energies are at their strongest and most active, where all of life is bursting with potent fertility. At this point in the Wheel of the Year, your potential can be unleashed. This is a beautifully designed book and card deck set. Each of the 44 cards in this oracle deck is a seed of spiritual guidance - inspired by ancient Beltane themes - to find answers to your most profound questions. The accompanying guidebook features original poetry from Juliet Diaz that doubles as invocations for magick and ritual. These cards align with your energy, helping you to unlock your inner wisdom with the help of powerful spiritual forces. Along with thoughtful meanings and invocations, or powerful word spells, to invoke the energy of each card and to send your intentions of spiritual well-being out into the universe.



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Parution : 05/04/2022
Éditeur : Rockpool Publishing
ISBN : 9781925946789
No de produit : 8.993625
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