
Meaningful Pasts : Historical Narratives, Commemorative Landscapes, and Everyday Lives

In Meaningful Pasts, Russell Johnston and Michael Ripmeester explore two strands of identity-making among residents of the Niagara Region in Ontario, Canada. First, they describe the region’s official narratives, most of which celebrate the achievements of white settlers with a mix of storytelling, rituals, and monuments. Despite their presence in local lore and landmarks, these official narratives did not resonate with the nearly one thousand residents who participated in five surveys conducted over eleven years. Instead, participants drew on contemporary people, places, and events. Second, the authors explore the emergence of Niagara’s wine industry as a heritage narrative. The book shares how the survey participants embraced the industry as a local identifier and indicates how the industry’s efforts have rekindled residents’ interest in agriculture as a significant element of regional heritage and local identities. Revealing how the profiles of local narratives and commemorations become entwined with social, cultural, economic, and political power, Meaningful Pasts illuminates the fact that local narratives retain their relevance only if residents find them meaningful in their day-to-day lives.



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Parution : 15/03/2024
Éditeur : University of Toronto Press
ISBN : 9781487550424
No de produit : 8.1001144
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