BL Metamorphosis T.01

In this heartwarming and award-winning manga originally known as Metamorphose no Engawa, an elderly woman and a high school girl develop a beautiful friendship through their shared passion for Boys’ Love. Ichinoi, a seventy-five-year-old woman living a peaceful life, unwittingly buys a boys’ love manga one day, and is fascinated by what she finds inside. When she returns to the bookstore to buy the next volume, the high school girl working there—Urara, a seasoned BL fan—notices a budding fangirl when she sees one. When Urara offers to help Ichinoi explore this whole new world of fiction, the two dive into the BL fandom together, and form an unlikely friendship along the way.



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Disponibilité Laval : 1 en inventaire
Collection : BL Metamorphosis
Parution : 28/04/2020
Éditeur : Seven Seas Entertainment
ISBN : 9781645052951
No de produit : 8.987991
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